About Us

Founded in April 2011, GHCIS is part of the Guanghua Education Group and is an educational institution specializing in A-Level and IGCSE curricula and examinations.

About Us > Message from the Principal

Message from the Principal

Welcome to Guanghua Cambridge International School!

GHCIS was established in 2011 to prepare Chinese students who wish to attend universities worldwide in terms of language, culture, and learning styles. We aim for our students to understand the diverse histories of countries worldwide, embrace different cultures, and engage with people of various races, languages, and backgrounds, all while maintaining a deep connection to Chinese culture. Our goal is for them to become global citizens with Chinese roots and global perspectives.

Our educational philosophy is that every child should discover and become the best of themselves. We believe the ultimate goal of education is to empower every child to achieve lifetime happiness. In line with this vision, we offer the A Level and IGCSE courses from the Cambridge Assessment International Education. This curriculum allows students the freedom to choose subjects they are passionate about and excel in – whether in humanities, sciences, arts, or drama.


GHCIS provides a platform where every child can showcase their talents. The school has over 100 student-initiated clubs and 9 sports teams, and most lower-grade students participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Our regular activities include the Lion Music Festival in September, the Sports Day and Halloween in October, Thanksgiving in November, and the Christmas and New Year's Eve party in December. These activities allow students with musical or athletic talents to shine, enrich their extracurricular lives, foster friendships with like-minded peers, and cultivate leadership and communication skills.

Our dedicated educators, both expatriate and local, are united by ideology rather than bound by rules. With extensive teaching experience and proficiency in bilingual instruction, they learn from and support each other to create a harmonious and positive learning environment for students, which contributes to our excellent reputation.

Every year, a large number of students apply for our entrance exams. GHCIS is one of the most popular international schools among parents and students in Shanghai and even across the country. In the Hurun Education Global Highschools rankings, GHCIS was the second youngest to make the list. We have had 11 graduating classes, and our graduates excel at universities in both the UK and the US. Many continue their studies after undergraduate, and some choose to start their own ventures. Most importantly, they grow into their better selves and shine on a global stage.

We believe a successful school should balance growth with success and the process with the result. We hope our students can attend universities that match their abilities and have a joyful and fulfilling high school experience. In response to China’s highly competitive educational environment, we aim to instill confidence in parents and foster determination in students to stay true to themselves. Ultimately, we hope all students will find their optimal path and become the best of themselves!

Our Chinese website is regularly updated to keep parents, students, and friends informed about the school's latest news. The English website communicates our school’s operations to universities overseas. We aim for visitors to gain a comprehensive understanding of our educational philosophy, curriculum, campus life, activities, and university admissions. For more information, please feel free to contact us at info-ghcis@ghedu.com.



Best regards
Principal DR. Dongdong LEI